March 15 (1925)

A knockdown, drag-out affair ends with St. Matthews defeating Henses, 2-1, in the third and deciding game of the Municipal Association (“Muny League”) finals. An estimated crowd of 12,000, of whom 9,000 paid, literally get in on the action at Fairground Park No. 2. With seven minutes remaining, Bill Lehman boots in the winning goal, prompting a fistfight among players and drawing fans onto the field. The principal pugilists, St. Matthews’ Jimmy McCarthy and Henses’ “Doggie” Schurwan, also had exchanged blows and were ejected during the first game of the finals. McCarthy suffers a broken nose in the rematch, and police need to clear the field so the remaining seven minutes can be played. McCarthy breaks a scoreless tie early in the second half, but Hank Cummings evens the score five minutes later. Lehman’s late goal gives St. Matthews permanent possession of Municipal Association championship trophy. The trophy had been established by the amateur league, formed in 1912, with the stipulation that the trophy would be retired by the first team to win three titles. St. Matthews had captured the Muny championship in 1914 and 1923. The Muny League will be a staple of St. Louis soccer until it disbands in 1957.


March 16, 2024


March 14 (1986)