January 25 (1897)

Local newspapers report that the Diels have climbed into a first-place tie with the Cycling Club in the Association Foot-Ball League by virtue of a 2-1 win over the Cycling Club the previous day at Sportsman’s Park. “The ground was frozen hard and the weather was bitterly cold,” according to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. “As a result the men played a fast game to a very light audience, which made up in enthusiasm what it lacked in numbers.” The St. Louis Globe-Democrat attributes the Diels’ victory to “their new leader, Charles A. Wilson. In credit it must be said that they played a greatly improved game.” The Diels overcome an opening goal by the Cycling Club 20 minutes into the match. J. Daly ties the score five minutes later, and notch the winner in the second half  “on a beautiful long punt by Shaughenessy,” according to the Globe-Democrat. (No first games were given.) The powerful Cycling Club is one of the best teams in St. Louis during the 1890s. Key players are former Welsh international Dick Jarrett and future U.S. Soccer Hall of Famer Benny Govier, a Scottish native who spent most of his career playing in Chicago. The 1896-97 season will be Govier’s only one with the Cycling Club.


January 26 (1991)


January 24 (1975)